Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Summary 2 ( The Joys and Challenges of Camping)

Camping can have its joys and discomforts but however camping is just camping. If you want to have a clear conclusion whether it is good or not, you should get the experience firsthand and make your own sense on it.

Camping can place many challenges ahead of you. Challenge may first arise when you start preparing your items during the journey. Be sure to include essentials, but not too many extra things which may weigh you down.

A further challenge awaits you: there is always no path in the woods, so picking your way in the forests with a heavy backpack can sometimes be difficult and slow. All the way during the outdoor travel, insects and mosquitoes will become your constant companions.

However, I welcome the chance to push ourselves physically and mentally. You may soon accustom yourself and find something unusual and interesting and gradually enjoy this free process. I believe it will be the best way for you to release and relax if you are the one who is trying to escape the stress of city life and expect to get close to nature.

Camping has its joys that outweigh its discomforts and challenges. Be adventurous and give it a try.

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